Adam Soliman | Food Safety News Breaking news for everyone's consumption Mon, 30 Jul 2018 22:56:35 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Adam Soliman | Food Safety News 32 32 Can Social Media Enhance Food Safety? Wed, 09 Jan 2013 06:03:38 +0000 Consider the following hypothetical scenario: Working together, a public health authority, a health management organization and some major food processors have set up a non-profit food safety monitoring center. This center has created a website that invites members of the public to report possible food-related illnesses, and has widely distributed a free smartphone app for... Continue Reading

Consider the following hypothetical scenario: Working together, a public health authority, a health management organization and some major food processors have set up a non-profit food safety monitoring center. This center has created a website that invites members of the public to report possible food-related illnesses, and has widely distributed a free smartphone app for the same purpose. Between 8 and 9 pm one evening, the center receives four times the usual number of illness reports. Automated summary statistics show that most of them originate in one city, and are associated with eating at a specific fast food chain. The symptoms appear to indicate an E. coli outbreak. The monitoring center then issues an alert to hospitals, clinics and other medical care providers in the region, requesting prompt reports of any suspected cases of food poisoning. Later that night, consumers in two nearby states report similar symptoms, and more than half of them report eating at the same fast food chain. As the night progresses, the center receives several reports of food-related illnesses from hospitals and clinics, including three positive diagnoses of E. coli 0157:H7.

One hundred plus reports within a few hours is alarming! So the center begins to monitor Twitter for posts about food poisoning or E. coli, and observes a spike in the number of tweets about sickness after eating burgers, originating in the same three states. The next morning, the center uses the online diagnosis application to “push” a question to all recent users in the area asking them to report any illnesses that may relate to eating fast foods. The center quickly receives a high volume of responses about sickness after eating at the same chain. That afternoon, the center notifies the fast food chain and the FDA, and issues an alert to public health officials in all three states on Monday afternoon. The fast food chain initiates a voluntary recall, and public health officials issue a public warning. The outbreak is quickly controlled, and illnesses and deaths are minimized.

Although this is a fictitious scenario, it is entirely possible from a technological point of view. The question is, is such a system feasible from a practical point of view, and how much benefit could it provide?

Reality Check Compare this scenario to existing public health processes. How long would it take for the outbreak to be recognized and controlled? Several hours usually pass between the time when a person notices symptoms of illness and the time when the condition becomes serious enough to consult a health care professional. After the person sees a doctor, tests may be needed, and it may take 24 hours or more for the results to return. The tests may or may not indicate the cause of the illness. At this point, the patient’s symptoms may get worse while the doctor forms a diagnosis and attempts to stabilize the condition. If the cause is recognized as a disease for which there is a mandatory reporting protocol, the case will then be reported to public health authorities. Once public health officials receive notice of a possible foodborne disease, they begin by interviewing the patients and their families to find a common cause. If a source is pinpointed, the public health department visits the location or takes a sample of the food and runs tests to determine whether this is the probable cause of illness. If a specific food is confirmed as the source, a recall will be issued. A public statement will then be made to inform the public about the potential danger of the particular tainted food item. How long does this process take? Weeks or even months may pass before a recall actually happens, by which time many more people can contract the infection. The 2010 outbreak of Salmonella linked to eggs from Wright County Egg, which sickened almost 2,000 people provides a good example of this. The first report of illness was received in July, but the product recall did not happen until August 13, 2010. Another outbreak of Salmonella, associated with ground turkey produced by Cargill, affected 136 people in 34 states. The first illness was reported on February 27, but the product was not recalled until August 3 – just over five months later (Marler, 2012). By the time a recall takes place, a contaminated product has often been distributed, divided, repackaged and resold. Consequently, it is often necessary to recall a large quantity of food across a large geographical area, rather than withdrawing only the specific shipments or batches where the problem originated. This takes still more time to implement. Furthermore, it increases the cost to suppliers. In 2011, the Microbiological Data Program, a produce surveillance initiative housed in the USDA that was cancelled at the beginning of 2013 by budget cuts, identified cantaloupe in New York that were contaminated with Listeria. Unsanitary conditions were found at the supplier’s packing shed, and a recall was initiated on July 28 and expanded two days later. The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) warned the public not to eat the recalled cantaloupe. Ultimately, the supplier recalled an entire growing season’s worth of cantaloupes and honeydew melons in 18 states. Nevertheless, 147 people were sickened by the contaminated cantaloupes and 33 died as a result of their infections. The total cost of the outbreak to the victims, the industry and government has been estimated at $100 million. A New Model: Consumer and Private Sector Participation Using Social Media This article began by describing a hypothetical scenario in which the government and industry cooperatively build a monitoring center, which uses social media to enable effective information exchange and cooperation among public authorities, consumers, and the private sector. As noted already, there are no overwhelming technological obstacles that would prevent the implementation of such a system. In some jurisdictions, parts of such a system already exist. The Hawai’i Department of Health, for example, has created a free iPhone app called “Foodborne Illness Reporter.” It enables iPhone users who suspect that they have contracted a foodborne illness to report the establishment (restaurant or food seller), the suspected cause, the people affected, and other information. Information submitted using the app is confidential, and is shared with the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. (see AppShopper, category “Medical”) A properly designed system that uses social media effectively would deliver significant benefits:

–       Drastically reduced response time: By recognizing unusual patterns in data that have been self-generated by consumers, the system can recognize possible food contamination outbreaks even before any of the patients or doctors have reason to suspect such an event. The above scenario used a self-diagnosis application as the data source, but many other possibilities exist. For example, Google is developing a capability called Google Insight, which can provide statistical analyses of searches for particular terms. At a conference which this author attended, the Chief Economist of Google showed a one-day lag between a peak in searches for ‘vodka’ and a peak in searches for ‘hangover’. Clearly, public health information could be obtained by looking for peaks in searches for terms related to illnesses.

Online forums and chat rooms can be another valuable source. For example, Mediator, a diabetes drug launched in France in 1976, was suspected of being unsafe. It was used “off label” for weight loss, and appeared to play a role in several deaths. By 2003, online forums were hosting hundreds of patient conversations about Mediator, but simple word scanning did not reveal any clear pattern. In 2006, however, the forums were analyzed using “argument mining.” This technique revealed a heavy focus on problems related to the drug. Mediator was finally withdrawn from the French market in 2009 (Buahin et al., 2012).

–       The cost of monitoring and reacting can be reduced: As already noted, the MDP program will not exist in 2013 due to budget cuts. Web applications such as self-diagnosis tools (e.g. and search engines are self-funded: They make money for the companies that build them, either by generating advertising and “click through” revenues, or by making potential customers aware of services and products that the builder of the web site offers. By working with the builders of these web sites to give these applications the ability to recognize unusual patterns that may indicate health crises, public health authorities could create wide-ranging and effective monitoring programs at very little cost.

–       Industry cooperation can be increased: Using social media would give both public health experts and industry participants much more data about any event much more quickly. This would make it easier to recognize a problem while it is still small in scale, and to identify the correct scope of any recall more precisely. Thus, the cost to a supplier may be considerably reduced, because a smaller recall may be sufficient to prevent further spread of the pathogen.

Companies in the food processing and distribution industry can maximize the benefits they would receive from such a system in many ways. They can select employees who are skilled at collecting and integrating varying types of information in order to recognize outbreaks more quickly. A real-time, interactive social system can help to identify the most effective actions (e.g., monitoring, diagnosis, treatment, reporting, and/or product recall) that the company could take, thereby minimizing harm to customers and possible liability. (Buahin et al., 2012)

–       If a large outbreak occurs, consumers can participate actively in collecting information and responding to the crisis: An automated crisis mapping platform called Ushahidi (Swahili for “witness”) is already available for free, and could easily be adapted for public health use. This platform uses free “open source” software to issue alerts, receive voluntary reports from any users within a specific radius pertaining to those alerts, and then summarize and analyze those reports. The UN, World Bank and many NGOs have used Ushahidi to help address and track such emergencies as food and medicine shortages across Africa, violent incidents in Gaza, election-related problems in Mexico and India, the revolution in Syria, and swine flu.

As Tapscott (2012) suggests, it has become “increasingly clear that we can rethink and rebuild many industries and sectors of society on a profoundly new, open, networked model” (p. 8). The model described above applies this very general concept to a specific government activity: ensuring the safety of the food supply. Although Tapscott writes primarily in buzzwords, the practical concept behind those words is valid, and offers a significant opportunity. Social media offer a way of collecting large quantities of data items which mean very little individually, but which can reveal significant and actionable patterns when integrated and analyzed. This in turn enables consumers to make a valuable contribution without any need to be experts in food processing or medical diagnosis, and provides much better information to the public and private sectors alike. In effect, consumers, suppliers and regulators become partners that self-organize, contribute to the total sum of knowledge, share information, support each other and jointly manage health and safety. It is particularly significant to note that many elements of a food safety reporting system based on social media have already been created, or are likely to be created, without requiring any government funding or subsidization. This is strong evidence that providing such services as these may be cost-free after tax deductions are considered, or profitable enough that the private sector will take on a significant part of the work. Google clearly believes that Google Insight will earn its keep, and several surprisingly effective self-diagnosis tools (presumably supported by advertising) are already easily accessible. Another example arises from the upcoming shutdown of the Microbiological Data Program. Bill Marler, a leading American food safety lawyer, is considering funding a similar program of his own. Rather than depend on the government to collect data and initiate recalls, Marler plans to collect such information and make it publicly available to the government, consumers and producers. Social media offer a growing potential for structural change and greater efficiency in many sectors, and food safety is no exception. As government budgets continually decrease, and food safety agencies struggle to recognize and prevent food borne illnesses, social media technology can play a key role in improving the effectiveness and speed of response while minimizing costs.


Marler, B. (2012, July 22). Publishers platform: How can we stop outbreaks earlier. Food Safety News. Retrieved from: Marler, B. (2012, Aug 12). Publisher’s platform: Ode to the microbiological data program. Food Safety News. Retrieved from: Tapscott, D. (2011) Macrowikinomics: Rebooting Business and the World. Toronto, ON: Portfolio Penguin Canada. Harrysson, M., Metayer, E., and Sarrazin, H., How ‘social intelligence’ can guide decisions. Mckinsey Quarterly. Retrieved from: Buahin, J., Chui, M., and Manyika, J. (2012, November) Capturing business value with social technologies. Mckinsey Quarterly. Retrievved from: Acheson, D.W.K. (2012, July 12) Should the microbiological data program be saved? Maybe … maybe not… Food Safety News. Retrieved from: “Illness Reporter” in AppShopper, category “Medical” <>

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Wet Markets in China: A Food Safety Perspective Thu, 20 Dec 2012 06:03:16 +0000 While I was studying in Hong Kong, I lived in the Sai Ying Pun neighbourhood, an area abundant with local retailers and with a large wet market selling a wide variety of fresh produce, seafood, and meat. There wasn’t really anything I could not find in the neighbourhood, except for some standard North American items... Continue Reading

While I was studying in Hong Kong, I lived in the Sai Ying Pun neighbourhood, an area abundant with local retailers and with a large wet market selling a wide variety of fresh produce, seafood, and meat. There wasn’t really anything I could not find in the neighbourhood, except for some standard North American items such as doughnuts and microwaveable popcorn. I could always count on being sufficiently satiated by shopping from vendors no more than a block from my building. I must admit that when I first moved to the area, I questioned whether it would be safe for me to shop for food there. I obviously stood out as a foreigner and I wasn’t sure if my immune system could handle consuming the local fare. However, I began noticing other foreigners buying food from the local vendors, so I enquired about their shopping experiences. They all said they had never encountered issues consuming food from the neighbourhood, so I eased my way into purchasing groceries from the wet market and local retailers. However, I always wondered how it was possible that so much fresh meat and seafood was sold there without any major associated health issues. Later, I discovered that the local government used the hazards analysis and critical control points ( HACCP) to regulate food safety standards for wet markets in Hong Kong and China. Traditional Chinese Wet Markets Traditional wet markets existed in China long before the refrigerator was invented. Wet markets have a reputation for selling the freshest produce, meat and other food products, because a majority of the goods sold are locally grown in the region. However, controversy over foodborne disease outbreaks has increased public and institutional concern for food safety and public health problems surrounding wet market food production, distribution, and storage systems. The population in China has been steadily rising in recent decades. Increases in food production and distribution have led to a higher density of people shopping at local markets. As a result, food products at wet markets are coming into contact with increased amounts of pathogens, leading to heightened risks of foodborne diseases. Other causal factors of foodborne diseases include unhygienic conditions and utilities for processing and storage of food products, a lack of vendor access to clean water and heated sanitization stations, and improper disposal of animal fluids including blood and faeces (Poto, 2011). Avian Influenza (AI), which can be contracted through contact with the meat, feathers, bones, liquids, and faeces of an infected animal, is one example of a foodborne disease that can originate from wet markets. A recent consultation on AI and human health by the World Organisation for Animal Health (OIE), the World Health Organization (WHO), the United Nations’ Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) and the World Bank recognized the major role wet markets have played in the emergence of AI. In 1997, wet markets were identified as a major originating source of avian influenza-H5N1 in chickens throughout Hong Kong, where 20 percent of the chickens in the markets were infected. In 2005, 83 percent of human H5N1 cases around the world were found to be from exposure to infected poultry (“Unprecedented widespread outbreaks,” 2005). Due to concerns surrounding food safety, expanded fresh food sections in supermarkets across China became wildly popular, as these retailers sold and stored food under more hygienic conditions. This trend led to the closure of many wet markets in cities across China. While replacing wet markets with supermarkets can improve food safety issues, it is not very supportive of local food security. Local Markets and Industrial Food Systems In comparison to industrialized food systems currently employed in North America, wet markets in China have much greater potential to strengthen the local food movement, as they offer vendor space for local food producers to sell fresh goods to the public. Industrial food systems were established to minimize costs, rather than to enhance food security; they minimize local sourcing of food and decrease freshness and nutrition. This is why North American supermarkets sell apples and beef from New Zealand and fish from China, despite the fact there are huge apple and beef producers across the continent and access to fisheries in two different oceans. One of the main reasons Chinese wet markets are slowly being replaced by supermarkets is the poor hygiene and food safety standards of fresh markets. Many food vendors in Asia are not educated about public health or food safety standards, nor are they trained to maintain good hygiene while distributing food to help prevent the spread of foodborne diseases. However, such problems can be remedied with regulations and proper training, to allow local food to be safely and abundantly available to the public. Promoting Healthy Marketplaces The 2006 conference during which OIE, WHO and FAO and the World Bank discussed AI and Human Pandemic Influenza stressed the need to contain the AI-H5N1 at its source, which includes poultry farms and wet markets. Members worked with the idea of a Healthy Marketplace, in which all stakeholders work together towards an agreed-upon vision for the market community’s health and safety. Stakeholders may include those operating within the market setting itself or those interested in and committed to the marketplace, such as politicians, local authorities and consumers. Participatory processes certainly strengthen this commitment. The conference developed the following strategies:

  • Familiarize stakeholders with the concept of Healthy Food Markets and food safety standards, in order to foster authorities’ political commitment to supporting the initiative
  • Establish committees with representation of all stakeholders to monitor and implement action plans, such as identification of the current bio-security levels of wet markets and assessments of their contribution to outbreaks
  • Conduct cost-benefit analyses (i.e. infrastructure, surveillance, research, training, and revenue) of Healthy Food Markets to assess their viability for replication in different countries.
  • Identify benefits of Healthy Food Markets – enhanced public health, avoided treatment and control expenditures, prevention of a pandemic, avoided economic losses, public empowerment, and lower GHG emission – to demonstrate the effectiveness of food safety (“Unprecedented widespread outbreaks,” 2005)

Minimizing the Spread of Foodborne Diseases The conference also recommended that improved hygiene and animal handling practices in wet markets will prevent the spread of AI viruses and other pathogens. The following are actions for wet market food safety:

  • Add a bottom tray to animals’ cages to reduce faecal contamination of roads and surrounding areas when poultry are transported to and from the market
  • Conduct ongoing surveillance and sampling of birds in wet markets to assess their health status
  • Separate poultry-selling areas from other areas of the market to reduce contamination
  • Implement regular disinfection and upgrade procedures of all wet market vendor spaces and equipment to prevent the buildup of pathogens and pests
  • Establish in-market facilities for special disposal of faecal matter and for disinfecting transport cages before they are taken back to producers or farms
  • Enforce legal limits on the amount of animals allowed in each cage to prevent overcrowding, which leads to poor animal health
  • Increase the traceability of animals back the production and distribution chain to track infections
  • Develop hygienic slaughtering and processing facilities and processes in wet markets (“Unprecedented widespread outbreaks,” 2005)

Continuous Improvements on Food Safety in China China has committed to the enforcement of stronger legislative and institutional regulations on public health and food safety governance. This commitment has helped tackle some of the problems and challenges in managing the infrastructure of wet markets selling locally produced foods. There is tremendous opportunity in preserving traditional Chinese practices of local food production and distribution in the face of rising global trade. Chinese wet markets have the potential to be brought up to par with international hygiene and food safety standards, while maintaining their support of locally produced food to enhance China’s food security. Rather than being replaced with supermarkets, wet markets can transform in order to be competitive. The unique shopping experience that wet markets offer in the can be offered in environments which provide high food safety standards. Indeed these standards are already being put into place. Recent outbreaks of foodborne diseases from street food vendors in China inspired the implementation of HACCP to help prevent the spread of food-related pathogens and diseases. Five HACCP groups were established to apply these standardized safety principles to five different types of street food, including high-risk foods items such as poultry and red meat. HACCP was successful in drastically improving hygiene and food safety standards of street food, which led to the hazard analysis program to act as a model example for fresh markets. HACCP is now helping to decrease health risks connected to the distribution of fresh food in wet markets across China. In Hong Kong, the city’s health department has organize training courses on food safety and hazards analysis (Poto, 2011). As a result of these measures, the level of hygiene and food safety control has been greatly improved throughout the food industry. Continuous assistance from international programs, combined with advanced measures of food safety control on Chinese traditional wet markets, will become progressively more effective in raising the hygienic status of local fresh food markets. Although China’s initiative is commendable, current efforts need to continue. While it would be unrealistic to believe that all wet markets are now safe, most are safer than before. Education is a major factor, and one that will help enhance food safety in Hong Kong and China. Lessons from the Application of HACCP The improvements that HACCP promoted in Hong Kong and China’s wet markets can be achieved in other countries where local markets are prominent. For instance, Egypt, Thailand, Spain and Korea all have numerous wet markets depended on by food producers as a main channel of distribution, and by consumers for access to fresh food. Continued efforts to enhance food safety and hygiene in wet markets across the globe will also strengthen food security by generating greater accessibility to local food. Initiatives to improve food safety in developing countries are especially important because they create opportunities for local food producers and consumers to conduct trade in a clean and safe environment. References – FAO/WHO. “The experience of improving the safety of street food via international technical assistance.” – FAO/WHO Global Forum of Food Safety Regulators. January 2002. Marrakech, Morocco. OIE/FAO/WHO. “Unprecedented widespread outbreaks of avian influenza.” Consultation on avian influenza and human health: risk reduction measures in producing, marketing and living with animals in Asia. July 2005. Malaysia. – Poto, Margherita. 2011. Food and nano-food within the Chinese regulatory system: No need to have overregulation. European Journal of Law and Technology, 2(3). – World Health Organization. (2004). Healthy marketplaces in the western pacific: Guiding future action. (pp. 1-37). Geneva, Switzerland: Retrieved from

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Do Nanomaterials Pose Health Risks? What Science Has to Say Thu, 15 Nov 2012 06:03:28 +0000 Engineered nanomaterials (ENMs) have great potential to benefit animal and human health. But there are uncertainties surrounding the long-term effects of applying ENMs to food and pharmaceutical products consumed by humans and animals. Therefore, in a previous article, I suggested that more regulations should be applied to ENMs in our food system. I believe that... Continue Reading

Engineered nanomaterials (ENMs) have great potential to benefit animal and human health. But there are uncertainties surrounding the long-term effects of applying ENMs to food and pharmaceutical products consumed by humans and animals. Therefore, in a previous article, I suggested that more regulations should be applied to ENMs in our food system. I believe that a precautionary approach to nanotechnology is a suitable balancing measure to manage the rapid commercialization of ENMs. This argument is built on the premise that at least some ENMs pose health risks to human, animal, and environmental health. Readers have asked for evidence to demonstrate such risks; hence, this article reviews various studies that reveal harmful effects of ENMs on living organisms. These negative impacts justify a call for a precautionary approach, one which should enable us to enjoy the benefits of nanotechnology while preventing serious and unforeseen harm. Nanomaterial Toxicity The toxicity of ENMs can be significantly different from that of conventional materials, even when the two materials have the same chemical composition. There are two reasons for this. First, chemical reactions generally occur only on the surfaces of particles. Since the surface area of a nanoparticle is much larger than that of a conventional particle of the same weight, nanoparticles are likely to be far more reactive. For a compound that has any level of toxicity, “more reactive” almost always means more toxic. The findings of Duffin et al. demonstrate that the pulmonary inflammatory response to various particles correlated to the total surface area of the dosage received, but not at all to the weight of the dosage (1). The second reason that the toxicity of ENMs can differ from that of conventional materials is that ENMs have unique surface geometries at the molecular scale, which make them effective for their intended industrial purpose. Different molecular surface geometries, however, can change the reactivity of a material in significant and unpredictable ways. As the FDA’s Nanotechnology Task Force noted, “at this scale, properties of a material relevant to the safety and effectiveness of FDA-regulated products might change repeatedly as size enters into or varies within the nanoscale range” (2). Nanotoxicology researchers are only in the early stages of developing models that predict whether or not a specific nanomaterial will be toxic. According to Maysinger et al., the toxicity of a particular nanomaterial depends upon its makeup, particle size, surface charge, possible ligand attachments, and concentration (3). Another study by Jia examined fullerenes or “buckyballs”– spherical nanostructures made exclusively of carbon, finding that variances in geometry alone led to large differences in toxicity (4). Xia et al. are also making progress in their research which suggests a possible way of predicting the toxicity of certain types of ENMs by assessing the relative ability of different fullerenes to generate reactive oxygen species (ROS) such as hydrogen peroxide. ROS cause oxidative stress in living systems and the amount of ROS that a particle generates may be a good indicator of its toxicity (5). These studies offer a deeper understanding of the toxic effect of some nanoparticles and of the wide variability in the reactions of living organisms when exposed to ENMs. Are Engineered Nanomaterials like Asbestos? Carbon nanotubes (CNT), both single- and multi-walled, are good examples of ENMs known to have significant potential for toxicity. CNTs are very thin yet strong tube-shaped carbon polymers used in cancer treatments (6), and some commercial salad dressings contain CNTs in the form of nanoscale oil droplets, intended to slow the separation of ingredients (7). Many researchers are investigating CNTs because they are similar in size, shape and insolubility to asbestos fibres. Inhaling CNTs may also be as dangerous as inhaling asbestos, which causes fibrosis- the formation of excess fibrous connective tissue, and mesothelioma- a rare form of cancer that develops in the lungs (8). A study by Poland et al. found that exposing the lining of the body cavities of mice (a surrogate for the lining of the human chest cavity) to CNTs resulted in inflammation and lesion formations known as granulomas (9). Subsequently, Ryman-Rasmussen et al. discovered that inhaled CNTs were able to move from the alveoli to the sub-pleural membrane of mice (10); this movement is part of the process in which asbestos fibres cause tumours. In a different study, Schinwald et al. found that the ability of nanofibres to damage the pleura (membrane surrounding the lungs) depends highly on the length of the fibres; fibres shorter than 4 micrometres do not cause damage (11). Other variables affecting the responses to ENMs include the type of nanoparticles used, duration of exposure, concentration of ENMs, and the conditions under which interactions to nanoparticles take place. Cells may either tolerate interactions with nanoparticles or succumb to their invasion (12). Additionally, the reaction of cells exposed to nanoparticles will depend on the tissue of origin, type of cell, cell density, and the presence of serum (13). The above reasons show that the impacts of ENMs on animal and human health are highly unpredictable. Impacts of Nanotechnology on Animal Health Several studies demonstrate that certain ENMs can be toxic to animals. Zhu et al. experimented with different fish species and fullerenes, nanocapsulates made entirely of carbon used in dietary supplements and pharmaceutical drugs to administer medicine to targeted areas. The study found that chemically stabilized fullerenes were much more toxic to fathead minnows than water-soluble fullerenes (14). All of the fish in the experiment died after six to eighteen hours of exposure to the chemically stabilized fullerenes. Similarly, Zhu et al. tested fullerenes and fullerols – used in pharmaceuticals for the human eye – on zebrafish embryos. The tests found that fullerenes caused significantly greater mortality and failure to hatch, while fullerols had no effects (15). Another study showed that the gills and livers of juvenile carp produced antioxidants in response to exposure to fullerene aggregates, and that the fish suffered weight and length decreases (16). Nanotoxicology researchers are beginning to develop models that can simulate the release and diffusion of ENMs to forecast impacts on living systems in certain situations. Gottschalk et al. compared ecotoxicological data to predict that aquatic organisms living in sewage waste in the US, Europe and Switzerland may be at risk from nanoscale metals (17). Nanoscale silver in particular is widely utilized in consumer products, such as toothpaste, for its antibacterial properties (18). Approximately 2.5 million kilograms of silver are lost to the environment in the US every year; 27 percent of that amount is released to water and 77 percent to land (19). Studies show that nanoscale silver poses greater health risks than other metals: It is toxic to mammalian liver and brain cells, and contributes to abnormalities in mammalian cell functions (20). Moreover, nanoscale silver has been found to cause embryonic contamination in zebrafish (21). Thus far, it is proven that some types of human cells react adversely to specific types of ENMs under certain circumstances. Therefore, continuous research is required to determine whether a particular nanoparticle is safe or harmful, because biological impacts of ENMs vary significantly. Some studies display toxic effects in animal testing, but the factors that cause toxicity are not fully understood. Given the above variables and the lack of conclusive data on nanotechnology, it is not yet possible to confirm the risks associated with most ENMs, unless each material is specifically tested. These factors justify implementation of a precautionary approach in managing nanotechology. Legislation Does Not Restrict Innovation Nanotechnology has great potential to improve food, medicine and other health products. I have argued that precautionary regulations are appropriate to monitor the application of nanotechnology. However, opponents of market regulations argue that government should avoid interfering in the nanotechnology market to allow this promising field to come to full fruition. Some believe that individuals’ free choice should not be fettered, and that the government should not demand legal approval before a product containing ENMs can be introduced to the consumer market (22). But implementation of labeling laws and mandatory containment of ENMs to prevent contamination of environmental, animal, and human health does not have to interfere with development or restrict consumer choice. In fact, true freedom of choice lies in whether or not consumers will purchase goods containing nanomaterials, fully aware of their potential risks. Conclusion Many scientific studies have shown that nanomaterials pose health risks and uncertain impacts to natural living systems. Continuous research and risk assessment are required to investigate the long-term effects of nanotechnology, in order to better understand any unpredictable consequences. Current FDA procedures allow many ENMs to enter our food system without requirements on risk assessment, reporting of potential risks, or mandatory labeling on foods that contain nanoparticles (23). Insufficient food safety procedures have already allowed genetically-engineered organisms, which were not fully tested for long-term risks, into our food system (24). Now, human, animal and environmental health is again placed at risk due to a lack of precautionary regulations on nanotechnology. Hence, it is pertinent for government to implement stricter regulations on ENMs. Note to readers: Comments on my last article on nanomaterials noted that proposals on food safety standards were not discussed. I am grateful to these readers and I will discuss such proposals in an upcoming article. — (1) Duffin R, Clouter A, Brown DM, C. L. Tran, MacNee W, Stone V, and Donaldson K., (2002) ‘The importance of surface area and specific reactivity in the acute pulmonary inflammatory response to particles’ Ann Occup.Hyg 46 Suppl 1:242-245. (2) FDA Nanotechnology Task Force, Nanotechnology: A Report of the U.S. Food and Drug Administration Nanotechnology Task Force 33 (FDA, 2007), 13. (3) D. Maysinger et al., ‘Death by Nanoparticles’ (2006) 1 NanoPharmaceuticals Online Journal 9 <>. (4) G. Jia et al., ‘Cytotoxicity of carbon nanomaterials: single-wall nanotube, multi-wall nanotube, and fullerene’ (2005) 39 Environmental Science & Technology 5, 1378–83. (5) Tian Xia, Michael Kovochich, Jonathan Brant, Matt Hotze, Joan Sempf, Terry Oberley, Constantinos Sioutas, Joanne I. Yeh, Mark R. Wiesner, and Andre E. Nel, ‘Comparison of the Abilities of Ambient and Manufactured Nanoparticles To Induce Cellular Toxicity According to an Oxidative Stress Paradigm’ (2006) Nano Letters 6 (8), 1794–1807 <>. (6) Ben Perlman, ‘10 Uses for Carbon Nanotubes’ (2012), Discovery Tech, <>. (7) Rebecca Kessler, ‘Engineered Nanoparticles in Consumer Products: Understanding a New Ingredient’ (March 2011), Environmental Health Perspectives. 119(3): A120–A125. Retrieved from: < (8) Andrew Maynard, ‘Carbon Nanotubes: The New Asbestos? Not If We Act Fast’ (2008) 2020 Science <>. (9) Craig A. Poland, Rodger Duffin, Ian Kinloch, Andrew Maynard, William A. H. Wallace, Anthony Seaton, Vicki Stone, Simon Brown, William MacNee1 & Ken Donaldson, ‘Carbon nanotubes introduced into the abdominal cavity of mice show asbestos-like pathogenicity in a pilot study’ (2008) Nature Nanotechnology 3, 423-428 <>. (10) Jessica P. Ryman-Rasmussen, Mark F. Cesta1, Arnold R. Brody, Jeanette K. Shipley-Phillips, Jeffrey I. Everitt, Earl W. Tewksbury, Owen R. Moss, Brian A. Wong, Darol E. Dodd, Melvin E. Andersen & James C. Bonner, ‘Inhaled carbon nanotubes reach the subpleural tissue in mice’ (2009) Nature Nanotechnology 4, 747-751 <>. (11) Anja Schinwald, Fiona A. Murphy, Adriele Prina-Mello, Craig A. Poland, Fiona Byrne, Dania Movia, James R. Glass, Janet C. Dickerson, David A. Schultz, Chris E. Jeffree|, William MacNee and Ken Donaldson, ‘The Threshold Length for Fiber-Induced Acute Pleural Inflammation: Shedding Light on the Early Events in Asbestos-Induced Mesothelioma’ (2012) Toxicological Sciences 128:2, 461-470 <>. (12) D. Maysinger et al., Death by Nanoparticles, 1 NanoPharmaceuticals Online Journal 9–11 (2006), available at < OCT_2006.pdf>. (13) D. Maysinger et al., Death by Nanoparticles, 1 NanoPharmaceuticals Online Journal 9 (2006), available at < aceuticals2.org_OCT_2006.pdf>. (14) S. Zhu et al., ‘Toxicity of an engineered nanoparticle (fullerene, C(60)) in two aquatic species, Daphnia and fathead minnow’ (2006) 62Marine Environmental Research S1, S5–S9 (15) X. Zhu et al., ‘Developmental Toxicity in Zebrafish Embryos After Exposure to Manufactured Nanomaterials: BuckminsterfullereneAggregates and Fullerol’ (2007) 26 Environmental Toxicology & Chemistry 5, 976–979 <> (16) X. Zhu et al., ‘Oxidative Stress and Growth Inhibition in the Freshwater Fish Carassius Auratus Induced by Chronic Exposure to Sublethal Fullerene (C60) Aggregates’ (2008) 27 Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 9 <> (17) Fadri Gottschalk, Tobias Sonderer, Roland W. Scholz, and Bernd Nowack, ‘Modeled Environmental Concentrations of Engineered Nanomaterials (TiO2, ZnO, Ag, CNT, Fullerenes) for Different Regions’ (2009) Environmental Science & Technology 43 (24), 9216–9222 <> (18) See, e.g., Project on Emerging Nanotechnologies Silver Nanotechnology in Commercial Products, <> (last visited Apr. 7, 2010). (19) Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry, U.S. Public Health Service, ‘Toxicological profile for silver’ 169 (1990), available at <> (20) S. Hussain et al., In vitro toxicity of nanoparticles in BRL 3A rat liver cells, 19 Toxicology in Vitro 975–983 (2005), available at <,%20et%20al,%2006-17-2005.pdf> (21) K. Lee, et al., In Vivo Imaging of Transport and Biocompatibility of Single Silver Nanoparticles in Early Development of Zebrafish Embryos, 1 ACS NANO 2, 133–143 (2007). (22) Tom Hartmann (YouTube) <> (23) “FDA Should Strengthen Its Oversight of Food Ingredients Determined to Be Generally Recognized as Safe (GRAS),” United States Government Accountability Office February 2010: GAO-10-246 <> (24) A. Solimnan, “An analysis’s of the FDA’s approach to nanomaterials and what needs to change,” November 2012.

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Halal: More Than a Niche Fri, 26 Oct 2012 06:00:44 +0000 Thanks to increased trade in food and farm products, and the growth of Muslim communities in traditionally non-Muslim regions like northern Europe and the US, many non-Muslims are now aware of halal as a distinct food category, with its own dietary rules. Some have recognized the potential of halal as a market opportunity. This interest... Continue Reading

Thanks to increased trade in food and farm products, and the growth of Muslim communities in traditionally non-Muslim regions like northern Europe and the US, many non-Muslims are now aware of halal as a distinct food category, with its own dietary rules. Some have recognized the potential of halal as a market opportunity. This interest naturally raises questions for anyone who is not familiar with Muslim traditions: What exactly does halal mean? What standards must be met in order for a farmer’s produce or meat, or a food processor’s product, to qualify as halal? Today marks the first day of Eid Al Adha, a Muslim festival that features halal in a central role; therefore it is an appropriate time to examine these questions. Eid Al Adha The concept of halal is closely linked to Eid Al Adha, a four-day Muslim festival known as the Feast of Sacrifice. This festival commemorates the prophet Abraham’s willingness to kill his son under God’s command, and God’s acknowledgment of his obedience by replacing the son with a sheep for slaughter. Each year, two million Muslims from around the world travel to Saudi Arabia for Hajj (pilgrimage to Mecca) at the time of Eid Al Adha. Hajj is one of five pillars of Islam and it is regarded as a demonstration of solidarity of the Muslim people (1). Hajj includes such rituals as Tawaf: Pilgrims walk counter-clockwise seven times around Kaaba, the house that Muslims believe Abraham built for himself, Hagar and Ishmael. Muslims who are able to do so must go on Hajj at least once in their life time to honor God. At the time of Eid Al Adha, Muslims who cannot go to Saudi Arabia sacrifice an animal instead to commemorate the triumphs of Abraham (if they have the finances to do so). The ceremony of sacrifice is also used in Muslim culture to celebrate key milestones, and to give valuable meat protein to the poor. The Sacrifice For Eid Al Adha, pilgrims perform zabiha: the slaughtering of a halal animal in the Islamic method. The animal is usually a sheep, camel or goat. Swine are not acceptable, because Muslims are forbidden to eat pork. “In the name of God, God is great” must be recited before slaughter. This is a reminder that people do not have the right to take the animal’s life except by the permission of God to meet our needs for food. The sacrificial animal must be facing Mecca during the sacrifice. A sharp blade and skill in slaughtering is required to minimize pain and unnecessary suffering for the animal (2). Most of the meat from the sacrifice is gifted to others. One-third is consumed by family, one-third is given to friends and one-third is donated to the poor and needy. As a whole, the sacrifice symbolizes the believer’s willingness to give up valuable things in order to follow God’s commands. The Importance of Charity in Eid Al Adha This Islamic tradition generates a donation of $1 billion worth of meat protein in just one day. Of course, such concentrated generosity creates considerable challenges related to food safety, storage and efficient transferral of the donated meat to the right recipients. For example, Dubai sets up special barns to house imported animals before Eid Al Adha. According to the Director of Public Health Services, the barns are part of an effort to ensure food safety, as all the imported livestock must undergo veterinary quarantine in order to prevent epidemics. The public is urged to take livestock to approved inspection centres and slaughterhouses run by the Dubai municipality for quarantine (3). If the animals are free of bacterial, viral and fungal diseases, the meat will be safer while it is being stored and transported. Saudi Arabia also has a robust infrastructure in place to handle the great influx of halal meat during Eid Al Adha. It is reasonable to ask whether the flood of such a large supply of meat in such a short time could cause market problems. For instance, would giving away free meat to the poor drive livestock prices down? According to the Institute of Management Sciences, Eid Al Adha redistribution practices appear to be arranged to stimulate rural economies. In Pakistan, research shows that the religious ritual of sacrifice produces profitable by-products such as leather, wool and slaughtering business. These services bring US $140 million into rural economies (4). Halal, Animal Welfare and Food Safety Halal means ”that which is permitted by God”. In order for meat to be considered halal, the animal must be killed according to the rules of zabiha. The process involves a quick cut across the neck to sever veins and arteries, without harming the nervous system or spinal cord. The quick blood loss makes the animal unconscious within seconds. Leaving the spinal cord intact allows for convulsions from the contraction of the muscles in response to the lack of oxygen in the brain. This leads to maximum drainage of blood that will carry away waste and micro-organisms, which will improve the healthiness, taste, and quality of the meat (5). In order to ensure that halal animals are slaughtered in the least painful and most humane manner possible, and to comply with Muslim law, the Halal Food Authority and the Islamic Society of North America (ISNA) have set forth the following requirements:

  • The animal must be alive before slaughtering
  • Halal animals must not be treated with hormones. Organic feeding practices are preferred.
  • A practicing Muslim must perform the zabiha.
  • “In the name of God, God is great” must be recited.
  • Animals should not see the knife.
  • All flowing blood must be drained from the carcass, as Muslims are forbidden to consume blood.
  • Slaughtering must not be done in a location where swine are slaughtered.
  • Birds of prey or carnivorous animals may not be used as sacrifices (6).

In addition to requiring humane slaughtering practices that conform to religious law, halal regulations also ensure that the product is healthy, wholesome, nutritious and good quality. Halal meat should be antibiotic and hormone free, and the practice of draining the animal’s blood may reduce the amount of toxins in the meat. Internationally, halal manufacturing and processing facilities are committed to maintaining good hygiene and are expected to conform to applicable food safety standards (7). Because Muslims generally seek to obey God’s order to be kind to all living things, treating animals humanely is a highly important aspect of halal. This was powerfully demonstrated by the recent controversy surrounding pre-stunning: the practice of rendering an animal unconscious before the actual slaughter. Traditionally, pre-stunning of the animal before zabiha was not allowed. But to accommodate the high volume of animals that must be slaughtered according to zabiha when halal meat is produced by a food processing plant, processors have generally been permitted to immobilise birds through gas asphyxiation or an electric water bath. Immobilisation reduces the risk of harming the birds before slaughter. This practice generated disagreement erupted as to whether pre-stunning was a proper Islam practice, and whether religious slaughtering was humane. Some scholars objected to pre-stunning on the grounds that some animals died as a result of pre-stunning rather than by slaughtering, which is haram–forbidden by God. Others objected to pre-stunning because research suggested that pre-stunning was painful – hence inhumane and therefore not halal. The argument became intense enough that one halal food authority did not certify any companies that used stunned animals (8). The difference of opinion was eventually resolved by the Muslim World League and the University of Cairo Committee, which concluded that pre-stunning is halal if it does not kill the animal, but rather shocks it unconscious so that the slaughtering will be less painful. As a result, pre-stunning become a mandatory requirement. The debate may not be entirely over, as some scholars suggest that pre-stunning should be preferred but not a mandatory requirement. The Economic Impact of Halal Each year, over 100 million animals are sacrificed for Eid Al Adha. That amounts to $3 billion worth of livestock being slaughtered in one day, making this the most active day of the year in livestock trade. Although the halal market is often perceived as a niche market, its market volume and economic impact certainly indicate that it is not a small one. The halal meat market does not exist only on Feast of the Sacrifice; over 1.5 billion Muslim around the world eat Halal daily. This market is lucrative year-round. The halal market is more strongly established in the Middle East and Asia than in North America. Therefore, farmers and ranchers in North America may have an opportunity to establish a meat market that specifically caters to Islamic communities, many of which are growing and increasing their demand for certified halal and organic food products. New Zealand’s predominantly free-range meat industry has already acted to take advantage of the opportunity. Many New Zealand slaughter houses changed their procedures to meet halal certification standards; now New Zealand is the largest halal sheep exporter in the world, and also exports a significant amount of halal beef. The export revenue from sheep alone by year end June 2011 was NZ$ 2.9 billion (9). Livestock producers in North America could market halal meat in two different ways. First, farmers could produce good quality meat locally for the growing market (both halal and non-religious) that is concerned with ecology, health and sustainability. Secondly, organic, free range and halal products could be sold to high end markets in the Gulf or Saudi Arabia: countries which require, and generally can afford, premium quality food. Other opportunities arise because many foreign countries are interested in becoming self-sufficient in food production. This creates business opportunities based on know-how in animal husbandry and technology transfer. Russia, for instance, is currently one of the world’s largest food importers. Russia’s President Vladimir Putin is attempting to change Russia from one of the world’s largest food importers to a country that will be self-sufficient in agriculture. He plans to cut his country’s $3 billion annual import bill for beef by heavily subsidizing livestock farms. American agriculturists such as Anthony Stidham, a third-generation rancher from Oklahoma, have been hired to teach Russian farmers how to rear livestock safely and efficiently (10). Conclusion Eid Al Adha in particular, and halal in general, contribute significantly to the world’s livestock trade. It is likely that this niche market will continue to grow because halal products have a reputation for being healthy, hygienic, humane and of good quality. Moreover, the redistributive aspect of Eid Al Adha can stimulate rural economies. Finally, increasing demand for halal products creates opportunities for North American farmers to venture into this profitable market. — (1) “Halal / Haram / Zabiha.” (last accessed 20 Oct. 2012). (2) “Brief Guidance for Halal Meat& Poultry Slaughter,” Halal Food Authority. (3) Mariam M. Al Serkal, “Municipality Opens Special Barns Ahead of Eid Al Adha” 17 Oct. 2012,<> (last accessed 23 Oct. 2012). (4) Syed Waqar Hussain and Muhammad Mohsin Khan. “Poverty Alleviation: The Redistribution Impact of Eid-ul- Azha Animals’ Sacrifice on Rural Economy” Journal of Managerial Sciences, vol.3, 2. (5) “ISNA®’s Role in Certification.” (last accessed 20 Oct. 2012). (6) ibid (7) Zurina Shafii and 2W.M.N. Wan Siti Khadijah. “Halal Traceability Framework for Halal Food Production,” World Applied Sciences Journal no.17 (2012). (8) “The Opinions of the Ulema on the Permissibility of Stunning Animals,” Abraham Natural Produce (last accessed cot 21, 2012) (9) “New Zealand Meat Industry.” (last accessed 23 Oct. 2012). (10) “Russia Investing Heavily in Becoming Self Sufficient in Beef Production,” Merco Press. South Atlantic News Agency, (28 July 2012) ( last accessed 22 Oct. 2012).

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The Need for Stronger Nanotechnology Regulation Tue, 16 Oct 2012 08:03:47 +0000 Nanotechnology is an innovative science involving the design and application of small-sized particles measuring one hundred nanometers or less. (An average human hair measures 80.000 nanometers in diameter) (1). Most nanomaterials are derived from conventional chemicals. Their miniscule size and large surface area help to enhance their mechanical, electrical, optical and catalytic features. Thus, nanotechnology... Continue Reading

Nanotechnology is an innovative science involving the design and application of small-sized particles measuring one hundred nanometers or less. (An average human hair measures 80.000 nanometers in diameter) (1). Most nanomaterials are derived from conventional chemicals. Their miniscule size and large surface area help to enhance their mechanical, electrical, optical and catalytic features. Thus, nanotechnology is incorporated into a large variety of consumer and health goods, such as food, food packaging, sunblock, chemical fertilizers and animal feed. However, little is currently known about the possible effects of nanotechnology on human, animal or environmental health. What we do know is that nanoparticles have a tremendous ability to penetrate cells and DNA structures. With increased use of nanoparticles, concerns are growing around the possible harm they may have on humans and other living organisms. Lately there has been a growing international call for stronger legislation on nanotechnology because current laws monitoring its safety and risks are highly insufficient. Concerns Surrounding Nanotechnology Studies show that nanoparticles can easily penetrate DNA and the cells of the lungs, skin and digestive system, thereby causing harm to living organisms (2). One example of a commonly used but potentially harmful nanoparticle can be found in the beverage industry. Beverage companies have been using plastic bottles made with nano-composites, which minimize the leakage of carbon dioxide out of the bottle. This increases the shelf life of carbonated beverages without using heavy glass bottles or more expensive aluminum cans. Think of the numbrt of people who are unknowingly being exposed to untested nanocomposites. Nanoparticles are also now being engineered to be more resilient, thereby increasing the risk of causing irreversible damage to living organisms. We simply do not have sufficient data or risk assessment laws in place to analyse whether nanoparticles are safe for consumption. International Regulations Legislation governing the use of nanoparticles is limited around the world, particularly in the U.S. In 2007, a report released by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration’s Nanotechnology Task Force 33 stated that despite the ‘special properties’ of nanomaterials, no further regulation is needed (3). This report was opposed by environmental group Friends of the Earth and the International Center for Technology Assessment. The organizations filed a petition with FDA urging it to take action to highlight the risks associated with nanotechnology (4). As a result, the federal Nanotechnology Research and Development Act was passed in 2003. The Toxic Substances Control Act (TSCA) was also developed to assess the risk posed by substances, and to provide authority to the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) in regulating them (5). The TSCA set out provisions to protect living systems against unknown risks of new or engineered substances by regulating and testing new and existing chemicals. However, the EPA does not hold much sway in the American political sphere. In fact, the U.S. legislature does not even require pre-market approval of consumer goods; the FDA relies solely on manufacturers to ensure product safety (6). Moreover, only evidence of a very specific harm associated with a product can elicit legal restrictions, and nanoparticles have not yet been tested for such specific risks. The EU organization Strategy for Nanotechnology asserts that nanotechnology has the potential to enhance quality of life and industrial competitiveness, and therefore lobbies aggressively for minimal legislation on nanotechnology. Current laws state that anyone producing or importing nanomaterials into Europe is required to provide written notification to public authorities; this notification requires the manufacturer to conduct research illustrating the properties and dangers of the product (7). However, this research is not monitored, making the data difficult to validate and allowing manufacturers to exaggerate, forge or omit crucial information. In Hong Kong, the Centre for Food Safety has referred to the World Health Organization’s (WHO) requirement for risk assessment on nano-scale materials for assessing nanoparticles before they can be used in food (8). Additionally, the Public Health and Municipal Services Ordinance requires all food sold in Hong Kong to be fit for human consumption. But consumer goods lack specific legislation monitoring nanotechnology’s expanding applications. Furthermore, no comprehensive and compulsory danger assessment scheme has been introduced to manage the potential risks posed by nanoparticles to public and environmental health. Demand for Legislation Internationally, there is a shortage of regulations on nanotechnology due to a lack of accumulated research on the science. As a result, untested nanoparticles seem to slip through the cracks of existing legislation into widely used consumer products. Since the long-term impact of nanomaterials on the natural environment and human health is unknown, it is difficult to comprehensively regulate this technology in a single piece of legislation that would capture its risks. Rather, nanotechnology should be regulated by a series of laws which govern the exposure of nanotechnology on specific areas: food, environment, medicine and agriculture. Recommendations for Nanotechnology Given the increasing use of nanomaterials, comprehensive legislation must soon be developed (9). Our current juncture offers good opportunities for relevant authorities to make greater efforts in guiding the development of nanoproduction. Existing laws are scattered across new/toxic substances, public health and food regulations, in which areas action is only demanded once a clear risk is proven. But such proof is not yet available for this technology. Manufacturers should legally be required to research nanoproduction and its risks. In addition, a mandatory safety reporting scheme should be introduced to monitor the risks of nanomaterials present in imported and sold products. This reporting scheme should be required for distribution of nanoparticles in any amount to ensure that manufacturers are accountable for all of their products. These safety regulations would hopefully provide protection for consumers until sufficient research can prove that the benefits outweigh the risks of utilizing engineered nanoparticles. Governing bodies can also be responsible for collecting relevant data and establishing a centralized research authority that monitors nanoparticles’ long term effects. This would create awareness and offer the consumer a choice between products that include nanoparticles and the ones that don’t. Conclusion Nanotechnology is a new science that lacks clear definition and regulations for managing these particles. Untested nanomaterials are already widely engineered into food, medical and agricultural products. The lack of research and management in place for the vast application of nanoparticles make legislation challenging. Meanwhile, various interest groups lobby strongly for limited legislation on nanotechnology in efforts to allow this science to come to full fruition. The long-term effects of nanoparticle use may be positive, but they may also have a negative impact on health. Thus, jurisdictions should continue to broaden legislation monitoring the development of nanotechnology. — (1) BJ Koops, ‘On small particles and old articles – An Exploration of Legal and Regulatory Issues of Nanotechnologies’, TILT Law & Technology Working Paper Series, Working Paper No 009/2008. (2) G Oberdörster et al, ‘Nanotoxicology: An emerging discipline evolving from studies of ultrafine particles, Environmental Health Perspect 2005, 113, 823-839. (3) FDA Nanotechnology Task Force, Nanotechnology: A Report of the U.S. Food and Drug Administration Nanotechnology Task Force 33 (2007). (4) See <>. (5) A. Soliman and H. Yip ‘Nantotechnology and Animal Welfare: A legal comparative study from Hong Kong’. (6) MN Duvall, FDA Regulation of Nanotechnology, February 2012, available at <>. (7) A. Soliman and H. Yip ‘Nantotechnology and Animal Welfare: A legal comparative study from Hong Kong’ (8) See ‘Nanotechnology and food safety’, Food Safety Focus (54th Issue, January 2011) – Food Safety Platform, reported by Ms. Shuk-man CHOW, Scientific Officer, Risk Assessment Section, Centre for Food Safety at (9) A. Soliman and H. Yip ‘Nantotechnology and Animal Welfare: A legal comparative study from Hong Kong’

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